Webster Lab

Visualising how photosynthetic proteins are made

The Webster Lab is within the John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK.

Our research focuses on understanding:
How do plants produce their photosynthetic proteins?

Photosynthesis produces the energy that plants need to grow and the oxygen that we breathe. The proteins that perform photosynthesis are located within the chloroplasts of plants. Many of the genes that encode the photosynthetic protein are located within the chloroplast genome, and are transcribed and translated to produce the photosynthetic proteins by a unique and fascinating gene expression machinery

The Webster Lab focuses on understanding how photosynthetic proteins are produced by visualising the molecular machinery that performs chloroplast gene expression. We use cryo-EM, biochemical reconstitution and plant genetic manipulation to visualise the structures and functions of proteins that are essential to the establishment and maintenance of photosynthesis.

A detailed understanding of gene expression mechanisms is a foundation to developing plants that have improved photosynthetic capacity. Environmental stresses such as heat, drought and salinity impact the ability of plants to do photosynthesis. A molecular understanding of photosythetic protein production is expected to produce new ideas to make crops more robust to a changing climate. Our work is part of the JIC Institute Strategic Programme ‘Building Robustness in Crops’ (BRiC).


Current Group Members

Michael Webster

Group Leader

Ángel Vergara-Cruces

PhD Student

Jessica Moon

PhD student

Ishika Pramanick

Postdoctoral researcher

Harriet Griffin

Placement student

Anshan Hsiao

Postdoctoral researcher


Recent Highlights

Webster MW, Takacs M, Zhu C, Vidmar V, Eduljee A, Abdelkareem M, Weixlbaumer A (2020) Structural basis of transcription-translation coupling and collision in bacteria. Science 369:1355-59 PMID:32820062

Webster MW, Stowell JAW, Passmore LA (2019) RNA-binding proteins distinguish between similar sequence motifs to promote targeted deadenylation by Ccr4-Not. eLife 8:e40670 PMID:30601114

Webster MW, Chen YH, … Graveley B, Coller J, Passmore LA (2018) mRNA deadenylation is coupled to translation rates by the differential activities of Ccr4-Not nucleases. Molecular Cell, 70(6): 1089-1100 PMID:29932902


The Lab is grateful for the past and present support of: